Alien: Covenant

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The best challenge to face is an old one…. just think of all the history you can research.

With over 40 years worth of movies, figures, books, and packaging, the best part about designing for Alien: Covenant was creating a truly unique design that both embraced and stood apart from Alien’s legacy.


Fortunately, Alien: Covenant offered something completely unique to the Alien Franchise:

David’s Sketches.

I got extremely familiar with these drawings after curating them for the film’s Style Guide and spear-heading an entire apparel program. This is why I confidently pulled the best sketches together, at the 11:30 hour, to deliver a packaging pitch that would please not just 20th Century’s Brand and Franchise teams, but Ridley Scott’s team as well.

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These incredible sketches from the film were combined with metallic silver on a rich black, creating a completely new palette and iconography unseen before in the Alien Franchise.


Lean Joe Bean